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Beyond the Self: The Science of Altruism and Compassion pan Maxwell Scott

Télécharger le livre pdf gratuitement Beyond the Self: The Science of Altruism and Compassion FB2 par Maxwell Scott 9798223245438 in French

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  • Beyond the Self: The Science of Altruism and Compassion
  • Maxwell Scott
  • Format: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
  • ISBN: 9798223245438
  • Editeur: ALDIVAN Teixeira TORRES
  • Date de parution: 2023

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Télécharger le livre pdf gratuitement Beyond the Self: The Science of Altruism and Compassion FB2 par Maxwell Scott 9798223245438 in French


Beyond the Self: The Science of Altruism and Compassion is an insightful and comprehensive exploration of the latest research on altruistic behavior and its impact on individuals and society. Written by renowned author and researcher Maxwell Scott, this book delves into the evolutionary origins of altruism, the psychological and neurobiological underpinnings of compassion, and the benefits of altruistic behavior for health, well-being, and social change.
Scott explores the ethics of altruism and the challenges of balancing personal and societal obligations, as well as the social and cultural contexts that influence altruistic behavior. From volunteerism and service to leadership and conflict resolution, this book covers a wide range of topics related to altruism and compassion. It also highlights case studies of individuals who have demonstrated exceptional altruistic behavior and the lessons we can learn from their examples.
Beyond the Self also examines the potential for technology to facilitate altruistic behavior, the impact of political and economic systems on altruism, and the role of altruism in healthcare delivery and outcomes. Scott concludes with a call to action for readers to cultivate their own altruistic tendencies and promote altruistic behavior in their communities. With its engaging and accessible writing style, Beyond the Self is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the science of altruism and compassion.
This book is perfect for researchers, students, and professionals in psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and related fields, as well as anyone interested in personal growth and social change. Order your copy today and discover the transformative power of altruism and compassion!

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